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Unlocking the Gates of our Shabbat Souls,
with Key Hasidic Masters

A live, interactive series led by
R. Prof. Elie Holzer

                                           MAY-JUNE 2024


"No two Shabbatot are alike!" wrote Rabbi AJ Heschel.

The underlying concept of our learning is that close, attuned, and dialogical engagement with Hasidic drashot about holydays and on parshat hashavua unlocks wellsprings for our individual spiritual avoda as we embrace the dance offered by that time of the year or that particular Shabbat.

Such reading is a practice that allows us to slow down, to engage deeply with a given Hasidic text, and to pay attention to the poetics and imagery opened by language. We mix intellect, imagination, and emotion in each session. We learn to bring a fresh mind to reading, and we develop a creative, actively engaged relationship with our own and our colleagues' insights. In doing so, we reconnect to ancient Jewish spiritual traditions of transformative reading.

To facilitate our learning process, we seek to dedicate two sessions in preparation for each drasha. Drashot will be selected from a variety of Hasidic masters.




THURSDAYS, 9-10:15 a.m. ET

Selected Hasidic teachings on Sefer Devarim

May 9, 16, 23, 30 & June 6.


Fee: $180 

Studying with Elie Holzer engages both the mind and the heart. As you work through elegant and complex texts you can feel the impact on many levels. And when class is over the thoughts and feelings that have been experienced stay with you through the week, into Prayer, Shabbat and your encounters with others. It is truly a privilege to be his student.

Dr. Jane Shapiro

Founder Orot: Center for New Jewish Learning, Skokie, IL

Elie's class is a rare and precious opportunity for me to quench the thirst of my mind and soul in the company of other's who seek to drink from the same well. His thoughtful and "fresh" pedagogy extends to the sources we prepare in advance and the framing of each class. He is truly a mentor for what is fast becoming my deeper understanding of spiritual practice.

Pearl Mattenson

PCC, Director, Rosov Consulting

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Elie’s sensitive reading of the Sefat Emet along with selections from philosophy and literature gives me the chance to breathe deep every Wednesday morning. It is the kind of Torah that opens my soul.

Rabbi Barry Dov Katz

Conservative Synagogue Adath Israel of Riverdale, NY

The experience had great meaning, depth and inspiration for me. Your classes and the preparation for them created a kind of Shabbat during the week. The Sfat Emet is wonderful and your teaching illuminates his ideas and complements them and expands them in new directions. 

Eric Mattenson

Former Senior Director, Walgreens Lean Six Sigma, Skokie IL

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