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Spring 25 SERIES

Murmurs of Sacred Wells and Flowing Waters
in Hasidic Spiritual Imagination (part 2)



Please send us a note indicating you are signing up for this course.  








Once your registration has been processed, you will receive a welcome email. Information, the zoom link and study materials will be sent closer to Sep. 19.

Spring 25:  Murmurs of Sacred Wells and Flowing Waters
in Hasidic Spiritual Imagination (part 2)



Fee in the form of a donation to Shma Koleinu: $360 for this 10 session long series.

The fee is payable to P.E.F. which is recognized as a US based charity and is therefore payable in the form of a tax-deductible donation.

It may be proceeded online:




Or sent (and must be made payable) to

P.E.F. Israel Endowment Funds, Inc.

630  Third Avenue  Suite 1501 

New York, NY 10017                                          


With a recommendation that they be used for Shma Koleinu: The Center for Prayer and Community.

Larger donations will help us continue to develop our programming.




Please contact us if you need any further information:












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