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Likrat Shabbat: Preparing for Shabbat in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is a city that elicits our most profound hopes, reflections and prayers. And Shabbat is a time that demands of us to slow down and, together with our friends and family, to create an enhanced sense of self and community.

As a leader who brings groups to Israel, you can provide first–time and veteran visitors with the opportunity to experience the holiness of this special time of the week within this singular sacred place.


Likrat Shabbat in Jerusalem is intended to inspire both individuals and groups. Together we will study and discuss relevant texts and such Shabbat prayers as Leha Dodi. By creatively singing some of these same prayers, we will enrich our personal connections to these texts, to Shabbat and to Jerusalem. As we leave Likrat Shabbat in Jerusalem, we will be infused with a sense of serenity and excitement, ready to make our Shabbat in Jerusalem a unique individual and communal experience.

Appropriate for small to midsize group of various backgrounds, Likrat Shabbat in Jerusalem is a unique event that you are invited to schedule for any Thursday evening of the year. It is suited to supplement any congregational, community, interfaith or organizational trip.


Please contact us for futher information.

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